My Motor

My Motor

For the shaft, I got two aluminum rods from Home Depot. One rod became the shaft that the motor ran on, and the other one was cut. The cut rod was bent in half so the uncut rod could go through the two halves of the cut rod. Then, the open end of the folded rod was pressed shut, so the uncut rod would go horizontally through the middle of the cut rod.

The base had to be made of a sturdy material good for building things on, so I used a large plank of wood to be my base. I also bought smaller pieces of wood so they could be cut to size and help bolster the height of other parts of my motor.

Base metal
For the motor, I need to build a base coil of wire. However, that wire needs to be wrapped around a piece of metal that also extends upwards to either side of the cut rod. For the base, I took two metal brackets and taped them together, making a "U" shape.

Base coil
The base coil is made up of wire that is wrapped around the two metal brackets. I used 14 gauge single strand wire for this and wrapped it 4 times around the metal base.

The armature is composed of the bent rod with wire wrapped around it. I wrapped 24 gauge magnet wire around the rod, going 4 times up and down each side of the rod before switching and doing the other half.


Along the big rod, I took a wine cork and drilled a hole through the center of it. Then, I cut out two small pieces of copper sheet and taped them onto the cork. The commutator had to be pretty wide, otherwise it would not be big enough to touch the two brushes.


The brushes are two wires, one connecting to the battery and the other to the base coil. The other ends of each wire has to brush the commutator so the electrical charge is carried through the motor. I used two pieces of lamp wire as the brushes, since the multiple strands of copper inside of each wire allowed a better connection.

Here is the final product!

Without the center rod:

With the central rod:

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